Current Quarterly at the Cape Cod Airfield

Good Morning Fall!

I have been chomping at the bit to share with you the photos from this amazing collaboration that I was lucky to be apart of.

Back in September I was approached by Amanda from the Current Quarterly and Shift, and asked if I would help with her fall season photoshoot for their quarter magazine. I was beyond excited, especially after we learned of her ideas and inspirations. Not to mention the other artists I would get to work with.

So without further ado… here is the gorgeous Fiona Murphy at the Cape Cod Airfield with Hair by Kate Scott of Hair & Lifestyle Design, Makeup by Andrea Kooharian-Simpson, Clothes by  Homegrowntrades, Stylings by Amanda Converse from Shift and Photography by Me, Michelle Kaye Photography.

Love Yourself in Pictures

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If you can’t remember the last time you loved photos of yourself… then now is the time to book a new session. I am your personal cheerleader and I will show you all the beauty of you in our session. We’ll laugh, we’ll play and in the end you’ll ooh and ahhh at your photos.

2 upMorin2Bookings are limited, as sessions fill up quickly. Have you seen your friends photos from their vacations? The groups of photos on the beach that are larger than life on their walls? Jealous? You don’t have to be. A photograph in your home is like a mini escape. You walk by, catch a glimpse of the moment and you’ll remember all of the best parts (or worst). Photographs are powerful and when you love yourself in them, they do wonders to boost your self esteem, even on your worst days.

Let me show you how you can make your home a self empowering castle for your every day life. Contact me today!

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